Sunday, 17 June 2007

Where to Begin

Day 1.
The duchy of Noverre has sprung Phoenix like from the ashes of a long wargaming history, The wheel has gone almost full circle.
My first wargaming figures were Airfix Infantry Combat Group at 1/10 a box. Before that I just played with Toy soldiers, now I`m not too sure which I do.
Next came Airfix Guards colour parties, with paper bicornes, and red and blue uniforms and articles in Battle magazine about the joys of The Game. See where this is heading?
Now I have a teenage son interested in playing with Dads toys.
History may well repeat itself,


MurdocK said...

there are some of us whom hope that history will repeat itself (or at least rhyme!).

Cheers and welcome to the bloggosphere!

Check out Murdock'S MarauderS for my own recent attempts to get my first son (of 3) involved in the game...

tradgardmastare said...

Wecome to our 18th century community- may it give you great joy!

old-tidders said...


welcome to blogland, looking forward to reading more on your country and its army


Fitz-Badger said...

The Soweiter League bids you welcome!
I too look forward to hearing more from Noverre and trust we can establish amicable relations to the profit and prosperity of all.

Your humble servant,
Zurik Fitz-Badger
The Soweiter League